Sunday, June 28, 2015

Persuasion Application Post 2 - Larson

The public speaking artifact that I chose to analyze, by persuasion theory according to Larson, is the official campaign launch speech of Hillary Clinton on June 13, 2015. It's quite a lengthy speech, but it's interesting to watch and listen to through the perspective of Larson's Cultural Images and Myths and the process premises that we have been studying as well.

Wisdom of the Rustic: It only took about four minutes into the speech before I heard a very obvious example of Larson's Wisdom of the Rustic. Hillary tells of her grandfather going to work everyday in the same Scranton lace mill for 50 years to provide for his family. Her father was inspired to work in his own small drapery printing business to provide for his family a middle-class life.

Even though Bill and Hillary Clinton don't live the lives of lower or middle-class citizens, the narrative about her father and grandfather have a cognitive effect on many people, possibly causing them to believe that she can directly relate to what they are struggling with and are going through. This type of rhetoric is used to try and cause people to believe that she can sympathize and even empathize with them.

As an affective consequence, listeners may rally even stronger around Hillary in her campaign and in their support of her. Individuals who are "on the fence" in regards to their decision about voting for her or not may be swayed toward a supportive position because of this perceived relatability.

Process premises: Hillary mentions several needs of potential supporters such as: employment, health care, balanced budget and peace.

She makes a statement about corporate CEOs and the disparity between their paychecks and the paychecks of those in the audience. She also makes a comparison between the top 25 hedge fund managers salaries and the salaries of all of America's kindergarten teachers combined. These points play on the attitudes that exist about corporations and their CEOs and about the attitudes that exist regarding school teachers and their low wages.

These examples may also bring about emotions such as anger against corporate America, sympathy for the teachers and love and concern for their own children and families who go to American schools and that must grow up in our current culture. She poses the specific question, "When does my family get ahead?" This may be the kind of question that is lingering in the thoughts of those who are watching and listening.

The park she is giving her speech is a park dedicated to Franklin D Roosevelt and his enduring vision of America. She also spoke of her service as The Secretary of State under President Obama and of the presidency of her husband, Bill Clinton. She uses these things to develop a feeling of consistency with the audience that will appeal to the beliefs that the people already have about such things.

Even though I may not agree with her or her political views on many topics, she is a very effective speaker. During this speech, she was very effective in the use of the four process premises, and other methods, in order to direct a persuasive appeal toward her audience as a strong launch into another presidential campaign.


  1. I also do not agree with any of her political views. However as you say she has a very persuasive rhetoric in how she delivers a speech that makes her BS very convincing. The way that she related to the audience as if she is on the same income level using her father as the backstory was a great use of equality between her and the audience. Great analysis!

  2. Wow thats a long video. I can tell that you really thought out your post and did a great job hitting all the points. I found myself wondering what or how much she really knew about doing hard work. Don't know enough to really make to many judgements I just found myself wondering if she is speaking from honest experience.

  3. well don post. i like how you drew out the connection with the park and how it help her speech that she was giving. everything is a calculated move in politics.

  4. Hillary has had much practice hitting the necessary points in order to persuade her audience. She does a great job but I still can’t stand her. As she talks about her father and uses her memory and his story to connect with the audience she does a perfect job at emotionally connect with everyone.
